How to Drive Virtual Traffic During a Summertime Slump

June 20 is the first official day of summer, but the current vibes already say summertime is here...and in a big, big way. Around our office, we feel like we missed out on a true, carefree summer in 2020. Remember you heard it here: summer 2021 is a summer x 2. And we’re here for it.

In the event world, summertime always brings with it a slower pace fueled by a collective lifestyle shift to focus on family vacations and changes in routines. Even though it happens every summer without fail, it feels a bit unsettling for our corporate clients to see a drop in attendance. 

The good news is that virtual events can be attended from literally anywhere in the world. If your favorite client decides to throw caution to the wind and head to the beach all summer, our virtual event boxes can get there.

We’ve also done a team huddle to brainstorm ways to appeal to the shorter attention span that summer brings with it. Our tips are down below.




In addition to the Virtual Event Box every attendee will receive, add an irresistible prize that only one attendee will win at random. We’ve created a line of “Winner Boxes” at a low price point so it affects your event bottomline as little as possible. And the winner can choose their gift from five options, so everyone wants to win.



Keep your events a bit shorter and use summertime themes that feel fresh and fun to match attendees’ mindset.

Cucumber Mint Coolers, anyone?



Craven + Co.’s core theory on Virtual Event Boxes holds strong during the summer months and all year. If attendees take an active role in your event, i.e. experience something as opposed to being passive spectators, they will be more connected to you and your company by the end. And how do you make them experience your virtual event? You give them something to remember, something to cherish.


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